Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Language Tools - Memrise

Today I post my first ever review, of sorts, of a language learning tool:  a website by the name of Memrise

I was introduced to this site only a few days ago by a friend, a fellow language-learner, and I am already waxing lyrical about it's sheer inventiveness in using modern trends to allow the user to learn language in a fun, creative, goal-orientated and interactive manner.

In fact I think this may be the first language-learning method that I have come across to combine all four of these elements.

Websites of this kind are rare as it is, even rarer with the impending closure of my previous favourite, Wordchamp.  But Memrise has an extra trick up its sleeve: you learn through memes, or 'mem's.

Sometimes these can take the form of text:

other times they can be images:

But, crucially, you can pick them yourself from user-submitted suggestions.  This means that:

1. You can pick a memory aid that resonates with you personally
2. Through selecting that aid you will be forced to process the other alternatives and anchor the word much more firmly by default.
3. If you have a better idea you can submit you own, that may go on to help other users.

Innovative, fun, creative, interactive.

You are then tested on your understanding of the vocabulary by multiple choice:

and by text input:

You are graded, and advised which words/phrases need revision, and how often, so whilst being engaging Memrise also manages to retain the need for goals and rewards that keep the learner on track and pushes them to do more.

Quite simply and outstanding tool!  If you're learning a language, especially as a beginner, I urge you to sign up and check this out.

I will most likely be creating lessons and memes of my own for my "Language Through Song" project that was looking a little too wordy and difficult to digest as a series of simple text posts.

A big 
to James for pushing Memrise my way!