Thursday, 4 December 2014

SEATTLE (Travel Writing)

I introduce a break in the usual theme of posts on the blog to bring you some much overdue travel writing. In the future I hope to post more about the places I have visited in the past, as my posts on Cologne have proved some of my most popular, but for now Seattle will have to do.

“But surely they speak English in Seattle!” I hear you cry. “What relevance would such posts possibly have on a language learning blog?”. Well, not much relevance in terms of language, but plenty in terms of culture.

I won't deny that writing about my American adventure is partly an exercise in reconnecting with the already-fuzzy, warm memories of summer just gone. These memories, however, are particularly fond as a result of the cultural assumptions that I had made about the place before travelling – most of which proved to be hideously misguided. So the following is my love letter to Seattle: my opportunity to share with you the places I found, and the many happy things that I discovered during my all-too-brief stay among the Seattlites...

As previously I will organise into (what I consider to be) reasonable geographical regions:

FREMONT – coming soon

BELLTOWN – coming soon

DOWNTOWN SEATTLE – coming soon

PIONEER SQUARE – coming soon