23rd-29th December
As it's Christmas, and it's been a while, I thought it about time to do another update on my favourite German soap, Alles Was Zählt. I have missed a few episodes, so feel free to fill in my blanks in the comments!!
Vanessa in Peril!
Vanessa Steinkamp's life is on the line!
History: Marie (below) found herself paralysed after being electrocuted, whilst ice-skating, by the Steinkamp centre's golden VibraJoy dumbbell - sounds a bit like a pornographic device, I know, but it honestly constitutes a vibrating (still sounds porny, huh!) dumbbell, designed to complement the centre's revolutionary core fitness training programme...
Paralysed ice skater Marie Schmidt
It turns out that the golden dumbbell was sabotaged...and Vanessa seems to have figured out the culprit - Veit. Now, I'm not sure exactly what happened next, but now Vanessa is locked in an unfrequented maintenance room under the ice rink. I'm assuming from previous episode descriptions that Veit locked her in there. They also point to an attack of conscience on his part. Here's the bummer, though - in the meantime he's only gone and got himself in a coma! Unlucky, Vanessa!
Veit: Bad boy in a coma. It's serious!
Dad (Richard) thinks that Vanessa is celebrating Christmas naked under a Christmas tree (the actual words the show used - twice!) with bitter enemy Christoph (Vanessa's fiancé). Christoph thinks that his lady love is working shifts over the Christmas period. He is also in the mountains in Switzerland and has no signal on his phone - no reason for him to find it at all odd that he's not heard from her.
Richard Steinkamp
...oh and Vanessa's created a gas leak by banging on the pipes to try and get Richard's attention. He was upstairs at the ice rink filming a PR video with Marie to publicise her Steinkamp-funded rehabilitation.
...will Richard and Christoph find Vanessa in time?
Out of reach: fiancé Christoph
die Hantel - dumbbell
von Sorge sterben - to die of worry
die Sorge - worry
sterben - to die
hol' mich hier 'raus - get me out of here!
herausholen - to retrieve
überleben - to survive
literally: over (über) live (leben)
das Gas - gas
wachbleiben - to stay awake
wach - awake
bleiben - to stay
verschwunden - disappeared
die Eishalle - ice rink
das Eis - ice
die Halle - hall