Wednesday, 30 December 2015

German Soap Update: Alles Was Zählt

23rd-29th December

As it's Christmas, and it's been a while, I thought it about time to do another update on my favourite German soap, Alles Was Zählt.  I have missed a few episodes, so feel free to fill in my blanks in the comments!!
you can watch Alles Was Zählt every weekday for free on RTL NOW

Vanessa in Peril!

Vanessa Steinkamp's life is on the line!

History:  Marie (below) found herself paralysed after being electrocuted, whilst ice-skating, by the Steinkamp centre's golden VibraJoy dumbbell - sounds a bit like a pornographic device, I know, but it honestly constitutes a vibrating (still sounds porny, huh!) dumbbell, designed to complement the centre's revolutionary core fitness training programme...

Paralysed ice skater Marie Schmidt

It turns out that the golden dumbbell was sabotaged...and Vanessa seems to have figured out the culprit - Veit.  Now, I'm not sure exactly what happened next, but now Vanessa is locked in an unfrequented maintenance room under the ice rink.  I'm assuming from previous episode descriptions that Veit locked her in there.  They also point to an attack of conscience on his part.  Here's the bummer, though - in the meantime he's only gone and got himself in a coma!  Unlucky, Vanessa!

Veit: Bad boy in a coma.  It's serious!

Dad (Richard) thinks that Vanessa is celebrating Christmas naked under a Christmas tree (the actual words the show used - twice!) with bitter enemy Christoph (Vanessa's fiancé).  Christoph thinks that his lady love is working shifts over the Christmas period.  He is also in the mountains in Switzerland and has no signal on his phone - no reason for him to find it at all odd that he's not heard from her.

Richard Steinkamp

...oh and Vanessa's created a gas leak by banging on the pipes to try and get Richard's attention.  He was upstairs at the ice rink filming a PR video with Marie to publicise her Steinkamp-funded rehabilitation.

...will Richard and Christoph find Vanessa in time?

Out of reach: fiancé Christoph


die Hantel - dumbbell

von Sorge sterben - to die of worry
die Sorge - worry
sterben - to die

hol' mich hier 'raus - get me out of here!
herausholen - to retrieve

überleben - to survive
literally: over (über) live (leben)

das Gas - gas

wachbleiben - to stay awake
wach - awake
bleiben - to stay

verschwunden - disappeared

die Eishalle - ice rink
das Eis - ice
die Halle - hall

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Festive Food & Drink... Italy

Buon Natale (a tutti)! 
Merry Christmas (to everyone)


Capitone fritto
Photo from Memorie di Angelina

Capitone (eel) is popular in many Italian regions on Christmas Eve, with each preparing the dish to their own signature.  The following recipes are for Capitone fritto (fried eel) from Naples: recipe (image above) and Capitone in Umido (eels in tomato sauce), from Apulia: recipe (image below)
photo from italy magazine

Carpaccio di pesce spada
Swordfish (pesce spada) Carpaccio is a light dish or starter that is very popular for Christmas Eve meals.  Variations with tuna (tonno) or salmon (salmone) are also popular: recipe
photo from

Involtini di Pesce Spada
Swordfish roulade with lemon juice, currants and pine nuts: recipe
photo from CiaoChowLinda blog

Bagna càuda
Warm dip made with garlic, anchovies, olive oil and butter and consumed with raw vegetables such as carrot, peppers, fennel, celery, cauliflower, artichokes and onions: recipe
photo from


Agnololti are traditional in some Northern Italian regions like Lombardia, Piemonte and Emilia-Romagna, often filled with Spinach, Ricotta and leftover meat, though many alternatives exist: recipe
photo from


These filled pasta tubes are a firm Christmas favourite on Italian tables.  most often the fillings are vegetarian, as all meats except fish are traditionally avoided, on Christmas Eve in particular.  The recipe as follows is for a classic combination - Spinach and Ricotta: recipe
photo from

Lasagne Verdi alla Bolognese
Literally, green (verdi) spinach Lasagne sheets with Ragu Bolognese, topped with Béchamel sauce.  A classic at any time of year: recipe
photo from

Lentils (lenticchie) are a popular accompaniment to meat dishes during the festive season, even served with basic, rustic dishes such as lamb shank (l'agnello).  They represent fortune in the form of money for the coming year

Cotechino con Lenticchie

Photo from Memorie di Angelina

coming from cotica (meaning rind), cotechino (known as "zampone" in some regions) is a sausage of pork meat, fat, salt and spices.  It is similar to salami, but requires cooking and is usually boiled over a period of hours.  The "skin" is natural, not synthetic, and the ingredients are sometimes stuffed in a hollowed-out pig's trotter: recipe



image from bbcgoodfood

This dry Milanese sponge cake packed with candied fruit is tickling taste-buds across the globe and can now be found on the shelves of most UK supermarkets.  It tastes great as a treat for enduring 2 hours of Italian Midnight Mass, with a cup of hot chocolate - as per tradition: recipe

photo from

Similar to fruitcake or Lebkuchen, Panforte is a traditional dessert  made with fruit, honey and nuts and spices that dates back to 13th Century Siena.  The name literally translates to "strong bread" - probably a reference to the spicy nature of the cake.

Panforte can also be made with chocolate, and is usually served with espresso or dessert wine.  Sometimes it will take the form of a rather decadent breakfast (without the dessert wine!): recipe


Known in the UK as nougat, torrone actually originates from Spain where it is known as turrón.  In Italy, this sweet treat made with honey, almonds and egg whites has become a traditional Christmas dessert.  Many regional variations exist, adding in other nuts, such as pistachios, festive fruits and fruit zests, such as cranberry and orange, and - of course - chocolate.  Some torrone are harder and more brittle.  With softer variations, rice paper is often used to facilitate cutting and serving


Vin Brulé

Named after the French brûlé (burnt), Vin brulé is as popular in certain regions of Italy as it is now in the UK, and uses very similar ingredients: recipe
image from Wine Pass Italy
One discernible difference: the Italian tradition favours burning off the alcohol entirely, where other varieties simply heat the wine until its warmth (heat and alcohol content) complements the added sugars and spices. 


Bombardino is a classic Italian Winter Cocktail of Advocaat and Brandy.  As the name suggests, it packs quite a punch! (bomba being Italian for "bomb").

There are a few variations on this such as pirata ("pirate" - with rum) and scozzoese ("Scottish" - with whisky).  The video above shows how to make a Bombardino Calimero (with coffee)

Thursday, 3 December 2015

UK Travel: Bristol - The Doghouse

Facebook Page: TheDoghouseBristol

photo from TheDogHouse's Facebook page

The Doghouse is a themed cocktail bar with a difference.  Hidden away underground, it's cavernous walls are adorned with B-movie and classic horror posters, giving a playful contrast of galactic blues and purples, shocking pinks and neon yellows against cold, grey stone tunnel-like alcoves.  Imagine being in Victor Frankenstein's lab, but there's a party groovin' and the only experiments are in alcoholic form

photo from TheDogHouse's Facebook page

In terms of ambience The Doghouse is a quiet, welcoming venue in the early evening (The staff are delightful!); quickly changing pace and transforming into a buzzing clubbing hot-spot as the evening progresses.  DJs complete the mix, playing sets into the early hours that showcase R'n'B, rap and hip hop's roots just as well as their current trends.

On to the drinks:  The spirits used are very good quality and plenty of variety is on offer for all staples.  The bar menu for cocktails is also varied, with just enough old favourites and original concoctions to appeal to stalwarts and adventurous-types alike.  The staff are also incredibly knowledgeable and will gladly whip you up a surprise to suit your tastes:  My gin cocktail with lemon and chilli (amongst other ingredients) was made with skill, thought and care, and was surprisingly layered and the flavours complementary, though peculiar.

photo from TheDogHouse's Facebook page

So when you're in Bristol, be sure to check out this gem, kick back with a signature drink, just for you, and enjoy talking with the bar staff about their tools and trade...or simply head down later for great music and a great night out.

photo from TheDogHouse's Facebook page