Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Language Nerd Swag: Personal Library Kit

Just what the overly-generous lender of books has always wanted:  a loan-shark style kit to guilt-trip their borrowers into returning their precious books, with a dash of Library nostalgia thrown in for good measure!

There are no lump-hammers or leg posts included here.  What you will get, though, is a date stamp, ink pad, pencil, 20 pockets and 20 checkout cards.  A "fun and gentle" reminder to your borrowers that they do need to give your shit back, and by a certain date no less!  Guaranteed to help you to keep friends for longer!
photo from

...and even if this won't actually force your borrowers to give that beloved literature back, it's a neat way to keep track of who you've lent to.  If you're anything like me you constantly forget.

The only downside I can see to this product is that, for me, books are art.  It's the reason I don't own a kindle, the reason I don't use book plates or metal book marks, the reason I don't lend books to "spine-benders" and the reason why I always threw a massive hissy-fit whenever I'd be asked in literature classes to annotate a text.  On these grounds I might be a bit too much of a purist, and not enough of a lover of the library aesthetic to be gluing pockets to the inside covers of my favourite books.
photo from

The Personal Library Kit can be purchased on the high street at Foyle's (£11.95) and Waterstones (also £11.95).  Amazon, of course, also sell at £10.99

ISBN: 9781601060723

Refills are available, but are pretty hard to come by, even online, for any reasonable price.  It'd probably cost you less to just buy an entirely new kit when you run out.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

German Soap Update - Alles Was Zählt (February)

Our main Story right now is a soap stable:  cheating spouses! 

watch Alles Was Zählt: RTL NOW

Power couples Bea & Ingo, and Lena & Marian have been planning to build a house together with Ben and Iva, only everything is going wrong and they're losing money fast.  The fellas have resorted to stripping (actually not the first time they have done this), and the ladies have speculated on the Stock Market and flirted with phone sex.  The final straw comes, though, when Ben pulls out of the build, and Marian admits that he's stolen money from his young adoptive son to make ends meet.  Our power couples fight, Bea and Marian get drunk, and.... well, you can guess the rest.
Marian & Bea: whoops!

Bea in particular is racked by guilt and confesses to Ingo, but leaves Marian out of it (kind of under duress from Marian - the bastard!).  Poor Bea has suffered the most with this.  There's quite a beautiful scene after her confession where she accidentally destroys a gingerbread house (symbolism!!!) and has a bit of a cry to the tune of John Lennon's "Jealous Guy" whilst Ingo rampages in the street.
Is Bea's subconscious trying to tell her something?

Ingo does forgive her, but her suffering doesn't end there.  Then come the creepy "shot on shiteo" sepia dreams where she is in hospital, no one is listening to her and there's a creepy animated stuffed monkey in the foreground.  Could this have a wider meaning?

Yes, of course it does.  She's pregnant!  Always use protection, kids!

Wer? - Who?
jemanden v
ögeln - to shag, to fuck
- drunk (adjective)
sich an nichts erinnern
- to not be able to remember anything

jemanden betr
ügen - to cheat on someone

sich streiten - to argue, to fight

etwas bereuen - to regret something

in die Kiste h
üpfen/in die Kiste steigen  - to jump/get into bed (with someone)

die Kiste - literally: a box/crate.  Colloquially: bed, "the sack"

der Ausrutscher  - a one-off, a slip-up

"bleib locker!" - "be/stay cool!"

die Klappe halten - to keep one's mouth/gob/trap shut

Jenny Steinkamp

In our other stories, Jenny Steinkamp is guilt-tripping her parents into speculating on their assets.  After yet another failed marriage and a tequila-fuelled self-pity fest she's now playing the "you've always seen me as a failure" card to convince them to invest in her ideas.  So she's now training until-recently paralysed Marie and promising the local press a Gold medal in the upcoming German Nationals.  Under these conditions she's convinced a multi-millionaire (who's conveniently currently in the area) to invest in rebuilding the Steinkamp centre's ice rink.  She also has aspirations to hold the Nationals there, despite a venue already having been decided upon, but the German Nationals' representative might be interested in more than just her business proposal...
a lot now rests on Marie's shoulders...


allein(e) - alone

der Neuanfang
- new start

die Eishalle - ice rink

ücklich sein - to be happy
das Sorgenkind - problem child

der Rückbau - revitalisation (building)

Sylvie: now featuring in Christoph's nightmares

Christoph is still struggling with having seen ex-wife Sylvie shoot herself in the head.  He's been on a bit of an adrenaline bender whilst his fiancé Vanessa's been away.  The usual:  bought a motorbike, did some speeding, got license confiscated, ran a red light without said license, learnt to hold his breath under water for 3 minutes....

OK, so the last one there lost me a little.
Christoph & Vanessa at the crime scene


die rote Ampel - red light

professionelle Hilfe - professional help

zu schnell - too fast

der Tod - death

der F
ührerschein - driving license

sich zum Affen machen
 - to make a fool of oneself

der Affe - monkey

der Verräter - snitch, traitor

zurechnungsfähig - sane

Thomas: idiot!

His best friend Thomas has been trying, but failing to keep him on the straight and narrow.  Thomas has been a bit preoccupied of late though, trying to assert his masculinity against aforementioned multi-millionaire and love rival Pacheluber for the not-so-fair hand of the manipulative Isabelle.  He split up with Isabelle for cheating on him with his own son and lying about having lost her baby during the resulting argument.  But now he wants her back.
Isabelle: liar!

The "who can cycle the fastest" competition as the Steinkamp gym was astoundingly subtle, and jumping into bed with town bike, Brigitte Schnell was also a great plan to win the "lovely" Isabelle back.

He's a doctor and should be intelligent enough to know better!


 - to provoke

ignorieren - to ignore
der Blumenstrauß - bunch of flowers

sich untersuchen lassen - to get a check-up (there may have been a slight innuendo here)

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Candy German Subscriptions: December

Candy German are one of the ever-increasing companies to offer monthly subscription "blind boxes"...only these are filled with German confectionery.  Below we take you through our impressions of December's goodies.  You can read Candy German's own blog on these products here, which I would highly recommend.

You can subscribe to Candy German at Prices range from 27 to 29 Euros, depending on the length of subscription that you choose.
Ritter Sport were a firm favourite of mine when I lived in Germany - the chocolate is so creamy, and the varieties are almost endless.  This variety is a special winter creation, filled with a "Nusskipferl" cream - a cream tasting of nut cookies of the crescent-shaped variety seen on the wrapper.  There are tiny crunchy morsels of the cookie in the cream to add a bit of bite.  Delicious!
Yep.  That's right.  Marzipan Potatoes:  little balls of marzipan dusted with cocoa so that they resemble potatoes.  If you like marzipan then I really don't need to sell these to you!
Get.  In.  My.  Mouth!!  The Baumstamm (literally: tree trunk) is marzipan, coated with creamy nougat, coated in chocolate.  It's rich and decadent - sex in food form.  I shared this with my boyfriend and wanted to fight him to reclaim the other half.  I swear my pupils dilated!  I think I'm now an addict.
Coconut macaroons with chocolate-dipped bottoms.  These were sweet, soft and very moreish.  they weren't at all dry, despite their appearance and outward texture.  The best that I've tried that weren't freshly baked.
Dark chocolate covered soft spiced biscuits (not too dissimilar to gingerbread) that are flavoured with honey (Honig).  The closest UK comparison I can make is probably shop-bought Jamaican Ginger cake.  The sweetness of the honey in the Honig-Printen is not a far cry from the treacle flavour to that.  Just add a little more bite and a dark chocolate coating.
Pfeffernüsse literally means "peppernuts", which is odd as there's none of either of those things present here.  The "nuts" are, I have been informed, a reference to the shape of this snack, where the "pepper" is a reference to the spiced flavour - again, another take on the gingerbread recipe.  The flavour is, again, complex and rounded and the texture soft.  These are difficult to put down.  The sweetness that was brought by the honey in the Honig-Printen is here supplied by a icing sugar glaze.

What is my overall impression of the Candy German subscription based on the December box?  Well, receiving this as a surprise festive treat was wonderful - Germany is too often overlooked in the confectionery stakes and it really shouldn't be as they have some wonderful variety to their sweets and some great traditions.  I can also vouch for the fact that the brands being shipped are very high quality - no cheap knock-offs here!

Is the subscription price a little high?  That all depends upon your view point.  It's worth considering the quality of the goods, the fact that you simply couldn't buy these outside of Germany, as well as the postage cost.  Also, you would probably pay a similar price for exported confectionery even if you bought it in the UK.  If you're happy to pay export prices in general, you love candy and you enjoy trying new things then I really do think that Candy German offer a really "sweet" deal here that shouldn't be passed up.

-(sorry about that pun there!)