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....or you can start by viewing the music video below. Feel free to suggest songs for future lessons in the comments.
Feel free also to ask any grammar questions in the comments section, or in the forum attached the the memrise lesson.
As a short course, my personal favourite vocabulary items are as follows:
une chanson - song
tout le monde - everyone
secoue-toi! - pull yourself together
secouer - to shake
danser - to dance
vas-y! - go on!
finir comme quelqu'un - to end up like someone (literally: to finish like someone)
tant pis! - never mind
s'en vouloir - to blame oneself
nul - hopeless; useless; rubbish.
sors de ta bulle! - get out of your bubble!gâcher - to wasteça va pas bien dans ta tête - you are not right in the head
un truc - a thing