Sunday, 30 November 2014

MIKA - ELLE ME DIT (Language through song)

Thus begins a new chapter in language learning lessons from SAY WHAT?! - the opportunity to learn vocabulary and grammar via your favourite French songs using Memrise.

You can skip straight to the Memrise course by clicking HERE

....or you can start by viewing the music video below.  Feel free to suggest songs for future lessons in the comments.

Feel free also to ask any grammar questions in the comments section, or in the forum attached the the memrise lesson.

As a short course, my personal favourite vocabulary items are as follows:

une chanson - song
tout le monde - everyone
secoue-toi! - pull yourself together
secouer - to shake
danser - to dance
vas-y! - go on!
finir comme quelqu'un - to end up like someone (literally: to finish like someone)
tant pis! - never mind
s'en vouloir - to blame oneself
nul - hopeless; useless; rubbish.
sors de ta bulle! - get out of your bubble!gâcher - to wasteça va pas bien dans ta tête - you are not right in the head
un truc - a thing

Friday, 14 November 2014

Episode 2056: "Flucht" ("Escape") - German Soap Update

It's been a while since my first Alles Was Zählt post, and a lot's gone on since then.  But let's just focus on the very best storyline for now...

The Hostage Situation

From left to right:
Letizia, Vanessa, Maximilian

Now...greasy-haired half-hispanic Maximilian has now been dead for over a year...but has he?

His half-brother Rafael, former lover of his mother, and the fella responsible for Maximilian's demise now wants to...erm...find him!  To aid in his efforts he has kidnapped Maximilian's half-sister Vanessa and his illegitimate long-lost daughter Letizia.
Because Maximilian has not yet surfaced Rafael tells Letizia that she must be to him scheissegal (she must mean nothing to him) but nonetheless he will not let her go (freilassen).  They are both essentially done for; finished (fertig). Letizia urgently needs a strong Schmerzmittel(painkiller)on account of having been shot in the foot.  Did I mention that she was a dancer?  Oh the cruel irony!

Oh point in sitting around crying/screaming in agony (heulen) when there's an escape hatch in the making!  Will they make it (schaffen)?

The short answer?  No.  Although they have no time (keine Zeit) left before Rafael's return the two girls decide to make a break for it anyway.  Letizia pleads to be left behind but Vanessa stands firm: "nicht ohne dich, Knackarsch!  Beeil dich!" ("Not without you, sexy ass!  Hurry up!")  Vanessa gets her clothing caught and is captured by Rafael whilst Letizia runs out into the road crying "Hilfe!"("Help!") at the first car she comes across.

Who is driving?  None other than Rafael! 


You can watch Alles Was Zählt here

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Musical Interlude...

If there's one thing that I love in a song it's a story.

...Introducing "Guter Freund" by Ganz Schön Feist!  A lovely ditty about a guy who is hopelessly in love with his best friend and will do anything for her.

This is a great song to get you started in German for several reasons:

  1. The language is relatively simple
  2. Because it tells a story, it is very clearly and grammatically laid out, so you won't pick up many bad habits with this one, and you won't become the German-speaking equivalent of Vanilla Ice.
  3. Because this is an A-capella style song the pronunciation is very clear, making the words easier to pick out
All that aside, this really is a catchy little ditty that should prove charming even to those who consider the A-capella style a little passé.

I won't ruin the punchline as there is so much more pleasure to be had in unlocking the meaning to a song, bit by bit, by yourself.  There is a tongue-in-cheek sense of humour to be found in "Guter Freund" though,  and the ending is refreshingly cynical.

Some useful vocabulary:

Ich bin immer für dich da = I am always there for you
brauchen = to need
ausgehen = to go out
ins Kino gehen = to go to the cinema
Ich fahre dich nach Hause = I'll drive you home
Ich liebe dich = I love you
Liebeskoma = heartache
guter Freund = good friend
nur = only
Milchkaffee = coffee with milk
in Gedanken = in my mind
ich wär = I wish that I were (literally "I would be")
gerne = gladly