Sunday, 10 August 2014

Why Watch a Foreign Soap? (Alles Was Zählt episode synopsis)

Storyline #1: The love quadrilateral

left to right: Bea, Ben, Julia, Ingo

Bea is trying to get her almost-ex-husband Ben and her sister Julia (I know, ick!) back together in the most embarassing fashion imaginable.  Bea's boyfriend, Ben's former best friend Ingo (guess what happened there!), is trying to stop her from getting in the way and making things worse.  Ben has agreed to host Julia's modelling after-show party in his club so that she doesn't miss her dance exam.  Ingo manages to foil Bea's drunken match-making by pulling an acoustic guitar out of his ass and ad-libbing a serenade for Bea.  Vomits all round!  Bea finds it all rather sweet though (she is drunk) and Ben follows Ingo's lead and tells Julia that he loves her.  We'll have to wait until next week for her answer!

Key Vocabulary:

der Schicksal - fate
die Liebeserklärung - declaration of love
zusammen sein - to be together
die Liebe - love
eine Beziehung - a relationship
ich liebe dich - I love you
du fehlst mir - I miss you
retten - to save

Storyine #2: The love triangle

left to right: Melanie, Deniz, Letizia

Melanie is in trouble with Deniz for failing to inform a model about a change of location for a shoot.  Because she is totally in love with Deniz, Letizia takes the blame and suggests that Melanie fulfil her modelling dream by doing the shoot herself.  Incidentally these three are only recently reconciled.  Letizia having been cast out for having a one-night-stand with Deniz (reason: both were just...angry...with Mel).  But when Letizia became voluntarily homeless (her family is stinking rich) they decided to let bygones be bygones somehow and are now inseperable.  Melanies shoot is a resounding success and Letizia tries to take her mind of Deniz' pecs with a spot of weight-lifting.

Key Vocabulary:

eine Probeshooting - test shoot
eine Wiedergutmachung - compensation/amends
die Freundschaft - friendship

Storyline #3: A Dead Body in the Leisure Center

left to right: Jenny, Simone, Isabelle, Richard, Erik

Jenny, her mother Simone and Isabelle (a particularly vicious breed of blonde married to Richard, Simone's ex-husband and Jenny's father) come to work in the leisure center they own to find that the foundations of the center have been dug up following damages.  The reveal:  a dead body - Blackmailer extraordinaire Mr Rainer Velten.  All three are implicit in his murder.  Erik, Jenny's boyfriend, is the presiding police officer on the case and he is not happy.  Richard is also not happy as he is certain the three women in his life have been lying to him.  Isabelle is trying to convince Jenny to testify that it was all Simone so that the two of them can get off scott free.

Key Vocabulary

die Lösung - solution
das Alibi - alibi
der Imageschaden - damage to one's image
tragisch - tragic
die Presse - The Press
der Tod - death
jemanden Opfern - to sacrifice someone
etwas aufs Spiel setzen - to gamble something
verschweigen - to keep quiet
der Mord - murder

Tacky, dramatic and informative!  You can watch Alles Was Zählt here:

Cheb Rayan feat. Rima - Dana Dana (Arabic Music Video)

Tryo - L'hymne de nos campagnes (French Music Video)

Mickey 3D - Respire (French Music Video)

Superbus - Butterfly (French Music Video)

Raphaël - Caravane (French Music Video)

Music video by Raphaël performing Caravane (French Music Video)

Téléphone - Cendrillon (French music video)

And now for something really retro (apologies for the sound quality!) More French: Téléphone.

Indochine - Un Jour Dans Notre Vie (French)

Let me hug you (German)

Below is a screen shot shared by a follower on our facebook page:

Can't say the phrase in itself is one I'm familiar with.  I'd have to agree with the translation software over the human on this one...word for word.

There are many other more approved way to ask for a hug in German though.  Just a few of those below:

Lass mich dich drücken (drücken meaning "to press")
Lass mich dich in die Arme nehme (let me take you in my arms)
Lass uns umarmen (let us hug one another)
Lass mich dich knuddeln (knuddeln = "cuddle")

Friday, 1 August 2014

Language Mishaps! (Lonely Planet)

Lost in translation, or a watersports call-to-arms? Image by Ajay Tallam / CC BY-SA 2.0

My own pronunciation error: I once asked at a Christmas market in Germany for a Hot Chocolate "mit Zähne" (with teeth) instead of "mit Sahne" (with cream)

A friend of mine had a similar french vowel stumble, telling an undesired suitor "léche-moi" (lick me!) instead of "lâche-moi" (leave me alone

...pronounce "merci beaucoup" (thank you) wrong and you'll be telling a french chap/lass that they have a "beau cul" (nice ass).